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II Corinthians 5:16-19

    1. How can our human point of view be limited by our national, cultural, and/or personal experiences and circumstances?

    2. Where do you see the need for reconciliation in our world? In your community?

    3. If we are entrusted with a message of reconciliation, what actions and attitudes should we have towards others?

I Corinthians 12:12-26

    1. Just as our body relies on all of its parts, as part of a global community how do we rely on others and how do they rely on us?

    2. As part of the global human community, how do we share in each other’s joy and suffering and contribute to healing?

Luke 24:13-35

    1. As they journeyed and shared a meal together, the scripture says the disciple’s eyes were opened. What experiences have you had in journey with others where you felt your eyes were opened to new and unexpected realities about God, yourself, and/or life?

    2. What does this story have to teach us about the importance of journeying and accompanying others? About listening and learning from others?